Saturday, March 7, 2015

BIbles in Buwooya - Wed Feb 18

Trying my bow and arrow skills!  Moses was brave to stay there!
When Kyle and Moses got up, the Guard Man did too.  We were able to get a firsthand lesson on how to use a bow and arrow.  Kyle and Moses also planted a new Palm Tree in the front yard and I like to think of it as a new beginning, a new ministry for this village and in the months and years to come, I will love seeing how this little tree grows.

Kyle showing his ability to hit the mark

The Palm Tree that Kyle and Moses Planted

The Guardsman and the Glasses
Before Kyle came to Uganda, some of his friends gave a donation for him to purchase Bibles in the Ugandan language and also in English.  It was Kyle and Moses goal to distribute these Bibles in the village of Buwooya.  Although Kyle can certainly articulate his goals and dreams in this village, simply stated, he feels led to start a church plant but that begins very slowly with raising up Ugandan leaders such as Moses and others and just getting to know his neighbors and building relationships in this community.  I was privileged enough to be there on that first day they distributed Bibles.  The first person that Kyle had Moses talked to was the Guard Man living at the Big House.  He was an elderly gentleman and Kyle's first concern was that the man may not know how to read and it wouldn't be of help to leave a book that he could not read.  When Moses asked him in his native language about his ability to read, the man said he could read but that in recent years his eyesight had gone bad and he could not see words on a page.  Knowing first hand the frustration of everything being blurry on the written page, I asked the man to try on my woman's drugstore readers.  When he put the glasses on, he could immediately read the passage in the Bible and he seemed so grateful for this small gift.  Somewhere in the remote village of Buwooya is an elderly man wearing women's glasses and they never looked so good and I never felt happier to give something so small away that would help him see.   I've added the video of the guardsman reading from the Bible at the very end of the group of pictures that follows.

From there, we went next door and Kyle and Moses were able to give Bibles to their neighbors.  These women were truly so grateful for the gift of the Bible.  Their enthusiasm and thankfulness was like nothing I had seen before.  Do you know how many Bibles I have in my house that are not being used?  The way they treated this special gift was convicting to my soul.  Once again, it was a day that I will not forget and pray I'll remember the impact.  Kyle and Moses took Patti and me back to Rafiki that afternoon.  We were anxious to return to help with the kids and Kyle and Moses returned to Buwooya for the next five days visiting, talking and meeting people.  This special village is where I will return, Lord willing, one day.  I loved this village and the people.  Life was much simpler than in the city.  There are several bunk beds in the Big House.  Some of you are coming with me!
The neighbors next door.  She was SO EXCITED to receive a Bible!

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