Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Uganda Bound in 11 days!!!

Deep in the remote area of Uganda, in a small village called Buwooya, stands a rickety building by our standards that is home of the Buwooya School that houses over 200 children.  No desks, no pencil or paper, no smart boards, no electricity and yet these precious children are being taught about respect and leadership.  My heart skips a beat to know that on Saturday December 12th, Taylor Anne, her grandfather John Walter and I will begin our 24 hour journey to Entebbe Uganda.  We will join Tay’s Uncle Kyle and his friend Ryan Donald who will be there a week ahead of us.  The five of us will first assist at the Rafiki Orphanage and then journey deep into Uganda to reach our destination of Buwooya.   The living is primitive and yet the richness of the culture and the contentment of the Ugandans penetrates your soul and changes your view forever.  I am so delighted to return and even though we are going to minister to others; we know that ultimately it will be all of us who will be so blessed to be a part of God’s work there in this beautifully landscaped country that is riddled with orphans, disease and lack of resources.
From mid-September until now, many of you have given resources to take care of ALL of the monies needed to support the travel and living expenses for Taylor Anne and myself.  I called it a “giant” because from my vantage point, raising nearly $6000 in two months was an impossible task.  Our great God handles “giants” in extraordinary ways. I was reminded of this in “Jesus Calling” on November 19thLeave outcomes up to Me.  Follow Me wherever I lead without worrying about how it will all turn out.  Think of your life as an adventure with Me as Your Guide and Companion.”    Thank you to all who responded to God’s leading in your life to support this effort.  Our God continues to slay giants.  We just need to call upon Him!
Would you commit to praying for us during these last 11 days we remain at home?
·        Tay has exams next week (Dec 7-10) at Appalachian State. Pray she finishes this semester well.   We had a minor ER visit this past weekend trying to figure out a sharp pain in her abdomen.  After an ultrasound to rule out gall bladder issues, she got the all-clear to go on the trip (pain is unresolved but manageable and will need further review when we return).  By the way, some of you who are friends with Tay have seen her gofundme account. She is trying separately to raise her own money for expenses outside of travel and living to cover some supplies that she wants to take and some of her expenses such as shots needed. https://www.gofundme.com/TaylorAnne

Kyle, John, Tay and Patty - Ugandan Team
·        John Walter has a business he owns and operates. Pray for his wife Patti (Tay’s wonderful grandmother) as she oversees the business and that all will go well without John (and Kyle) in the country.
·        Pray for our families Jimmy and Tyler. It’s not easy to let your loved ones travel 24 hours away especially at the holidays and especially with the world situation in a somewhat difficult place.  Tay and I know we are to go and do so without any fear or reservation. 
·        Pray mostly that God will prepare every step of the way for us.  That we would be an encouragement to all we meet and be able in some way to impact their lives.  Our work will mostly be spent with children.  We have lots of crafts planned with the village children and the orphans at Rafiki.  We will also be distributing “readers” to the elderly in the village and we have an abundance of flip-flops to distribute. You can understand that the people have no resource for “readers” and many children and adults are barefooted.  Kyle and Ryan have raised money to bring Bibles and we will all be blessed during the distribution and conversations around these gifts to the village people.
Thank you for your encouragement in so many different ways.  That’s the beauty of friendships.  Each of us has different gifts to extend to one another.  I hope you will “journey” with me through this great adventure.  I’ll be blogging each day of the sights, sounds, people and places that we encounter and hopefully posting along the way as resource permits.  This adventure is about to get started!! We are so EXCITED to see what lies ahead of us!!!!   Let them know that it is your hand, that you, Lord, have done it.”  Psalm 109:27

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